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Commercial Fire Insurance Claims

Unparalleled experience and expertise, combined with complete transparency and independence.

A fire at your business can create a major setback that will require a huge amount of time and resources to recover from.

As the UK’s most experienced team of insurance claim consultants, we will help you get the settlement you are entitled to with minimal disruption to your business.

Why Appoint a Loss Assessor?

When you make a commercial fire claim, insurers will appoint a loss adjuster who will scrutinise your situation to find any grounds for them to pay you as little as possible, or even reject liability. They will use a team of trained professionals that may include a forensic scientist, who will aim to uncover any issues that may invalidate your claim.

The experience can often increase the stress you are already under and prolong the period you are out of action. But with us on your side, we can help you get the settlement you deserve.

How We Will Help You

Our highly skilled team includes chartered surveyors, chartered accountants, chartered loss adjusters and qualified loss assessors.

They will work with you to get the best possible settlement from your buildings, contents and business interruption cover. They will aim to get your business back up and running as soon as possible by:

  • Organising emergency works to secure your property and protect it from further damage.
  • Thinking outside the box to present you with all your options.
  • Ensuring that disaster cleaning companies do a safe and thorough job.
  • Dealing with all aspects of your claim from start to finish, including any paperwork that needs to meet certain standards.
  • Scrutinising your policy wording and advising you on any issues relating to compliance with warranties and conditions that may affect liability.
  • Getting insurers to accept liability as quickly as possible, so that we can generate immediate interim payments to help you maintain your cash flow.
  • Making sure you get the most out of your business interruption cover, by advising on items that adjusters might not point out, such as retrospective discounting and promotional activity.
  • Identifying the full extent of the damage and uncovering any invisible aspects that could lead to long term problems.
  • Demonstrating the economic validity of ‘increased costs of working’ coverage.
  • Helping you choose any specialist surveyors you may need, therefore avoiding the insurance companies’ supply chains, which might not operate in your best interest. We will supervise these parties throughout your project to ensure you get everything you need and there are no surprises.




At this point, you would hope that your insurance company is there to help but unfortunately this is not the case. We have known families who have felt intimidated by insurers and have been treated as though they have done something wrong, or are in some way to blame for their situation.

  • Over 5000
    Successful Claims
    As the UK’s leading insurance claims consultants, you can be confident you have the best team on your side
  • Best Assessors
    Unlike other parties involved in the claims process, you are our sole priority
  • Minimise Stress
    Keep stress to a minimum by managing all aspects of the claims process
  • Get your entitlement
    Get the compensation you are entitled to by negotiating with insurers on your behalf
  • Get your life back
    Get back to normal life as quickly as possible by organising any support you need


Hassle free, no obligations is how we operate. So if you’d like to speak to us call our 24/7 Helpline on 03300229179 or email us at info@harrisbalcombe.com. Or simply click the button below ...