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The Importance of Damage Mitigation in Insurance Claims

19th May 2015

In law, the term “mitigation” refers to the principle that a party who has suffered loss must take reasonable action to ensure that no further loss is suffered.

This “loss”, and the accompanying “reasonable action”, will vary depending on the nature of the case. For example, an individual involved in a car crash will suffer “loss” as a result of the injuries they sustain. Yet if this individual refuses medical treatment, they will have failed to take “reasonable action” to minimise the amount of loss suffered.

This will make it difficult to assess the amount of loss that can be attributed to the defendant, which means that the plaintiff might be denied compensation.

Damage mitigation is intended to protect defendants from having to pay for damages for which they were not responsible. Unfortunately, we’ve seen countless examples of insurance firms relying on damage mitigation law to either severely reduce the amount of compensation they pay, or even to avoid paying it outright.

For both businesses and homeowners alike, damage mitigation is vitally important to ensure that insurance claims proceed as smoothly as possible. Whether you’re a victim of fires, floods, theft, or storm damage, the law holds you accountable for ensuring that no further harm comes to your property. This can include anything, from securing yourself against break-ins, to undertaking repair work to safeguard your property’s structural integrity.

How Can Harris Balcombe Help You With Damage Mitigation?

When you’re reeling from a fire, a flood, or a break-in, damage mitigation might be the last thing on your mind. Of course, the first step on your road to recovery is to ensure that things don’t get any worse, but how can you be sure that the actions you undertake will be deemed “reasonable”?

That’s where we come in. Our expert loss assessors are committed to ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve. As part of our comprehensive service, we can organise all necessary emergency works to secure your property, and protect it from any further damage.

But before this, we will conduct a thorough investigation of your property in order to confirm and record the full extent of the damage for which you can claim. We will compile a detailed report with plenty of pictures, so as to leave your insurers in no doubt as to what you’re owed.

For more information about damage mitigation, or to find out how we can help you, call our 24/7 national helpline on 0844 544 1699, or 0330 022 9176.




At this point, you would hope that your insurance company is there to help but unfortunately this is not the case. We have known families who have felt intimidated by insurers and have been treated as though they have done something wrong, or are in some way to blame for their situation.

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